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History: Databases

A guide to history information at UM library

Alphabetical listing

The Amerasia Affair, China, and Postwar Anti-Communist Fervor

The Amerasia Affair was the first of the great spy cases of the postwar era. Unlike Alger Hiss or the Rosenberg cases, it did not lead to an epic courtroom confrontation or imprisonment or execution of any of the principals. The Amerasia Affair sheds light not only on debate as to who "lost" China, Soviet espionage, McCarthyism, and the loyalty program, but also on the bureaucratic intricacies of anti-communism in Washington.


Archives Direct

It is the suite of collections from The National Archives, of which the section we can access to is from the UK government's archives about Foreign Office Files for China, 1949 to 1980.


Archives Explorer

This allows you to search the Library subscribed databases from Adam Matthew with a single search box – including the following databases: 1. China, America and the Pacific, 2. China: Culture and Society, 3. China: Trade, Politics and Culture, 4. Foreign Office Files for China 1919 – 1980.


Archives Unbound

Gain access to rare primary source documents with these topically focused digital collections.


Brazilian and Portuguese History and Culture

Research The Oliveira Lima Library collection lauded as the finest Luso-Brazillian material available to U.S. scholars.


China and the Modern World

Research China during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; coverage includes diplomacy, economics, imperialism, and more.


China and the Modern World: Missionary, Sinology, and Literary Periodicals (1817-1949)

China and the Modern World: Missionary, Sinology, and Literary Periodicals is a collection of 17 English-language periodicals published in or about China during a period of over 130 years, extending from 1817 until the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949.
This resource features a significant collection of articles and photos on the founding and development of Christian higher education in China, including the establishment and growth into prominence of such institutions as Yenching University, the University of Nanking, Ginling College, Shandong Christian University, Soochow University, St. John’s University, Shanghai Baptist College, and the Canton Christian College.


China, America and the Pacific

It explores the cultural and trading relationships that emerged between America, China and the Pacific region between the 18th and early 20th centuries. The scope consists of manuscripts, rare printed sources, visual images, objects and maps from international libraries and archives document this fascinating history.


East India Company (Module I, II and III)

Module 1: Trade, Governance and Empire, 1600-1947. This module consists of the complete IOR classes A, B, C, and D and their associated Z-class indexes, comprising 932 volumes. Document types include Minutes of council meetings (Court of Directors, Court of Proprietors and Council of India), Memoranda and papers laid before councils, Council resolutions, Proceedings of revenue boards, Charters, Text of legislation, Printed books, Correspondence, Lists of administrative, military and ecclesiastical personnel. Modules 2 and 3: Factory Records The Factory Records consist of papers sent to London from the East India Company's 'factories', or trading posts, across Asia and parts of Africa, including letters sent and received, official trading diaries, accounts of the Company's embassies to rulers, proceedings of provincial councils and revenue boards, military documents and account books.


European Colonialism in the Early 20th Century: Political and Economic Consolidation of Portuguese Colonies in Africa, 1910-1929

This collection comprises correspondence, studies and reports, cables, maps, and other kinds of documents related to U.S. consular activities. U.S. Consulates were listening posts reporting on the activities of the Portuguese colonial government and the activities of the native peoples. Highlights include the beginning of an anti-colonial movement and the industrialization and economic exploitation of Portugal’s African colonies.


Foreign Office Files for China, 1919 – 1980

This collection makes available all British Foreign Office files dealing with China, Hong Kong and Taiwan between 1919 and 1980.


Fuente Académica Plus

Fuente Académica Plus is the most complete database of full-text Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals. Hundreds of quality titles from Latin America, Portugal and Spain cover all major subject areas, including agriculture, economics, history, law, literature, psychology and sociology.


Gale Primary Sources: Nineteenth Century Collections Online

Discover primary source collections of the long nineteenth century. Sourced from almost one hundred major world libraries.


Gale Primary Sources: Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals

Discover the events, lives, values, and themes that shaped the British Empire and the nineteenth-century world.


Gale Primary Sources: The Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842-2003

Search the complete digital edition (over 260,000 full color pages) of the world's first illustrated weekly newspaper.


Historical Reproduction

Historical Reproduction is a collection of rare documents and newspapers in Chinese and English languages traced back to the 15th Century. It was collected from various sources worldwide, converted to digital images from printed documents, microfilms, microfiches and etc. Please find your interested title below and access by clicking. Most of the access of Collection is restricted to eligible Library users only.



JSTOR (Journal STORage) is a full-text digital archive of over 900 core scholarly journals, covering 15 subjects, mainly in the humanities and social sciences.


Policing the Shanghai International Settlement, 1894-1945

It provides researchers with the opportunity to explore a unique period in China's struggle toward a modern existence through the International Settlement in Shanghai.


Political, Economic, and Military Conditions in China: Reports and Correspondence of the U.S. Military Intelligence Division, 1918-1941

It reproduces the six principal MID files relating exclusively to China for the period 1918 to 1941 (general conditions, political conditions, economic conditions, army, navy, and aeronautics). Also includes documents created by other U.S. Government agencies and foreign governments from the records of the Military Intelligence Division.


Records of the National Council for United States-China Trade 1973-1983

This collection documents the formation of the National Council for United States-China Trade, its role in the development of U.S.-China trade, and the Council's library holdings relating to China's trade and economy. The Council is an association of U.S. business firms interested in trade with the People's Republic of China. It was formed in 1973 with the encouragement of the U.S. Government.


Records of U.S. State Department’s Division of Chinese Affairs

It consists of inter and intradepartmental memorandums, reports, position papers, summaries, maps, photographs, and despatches (from US Foreign Service officers and military personnel) relating to the internal political affairs of China and United States foreign policy toward China.


Subject files of U.S. State Department's Office of the Republic of China Affairs, 1951-1978

This collection consists of briefing books, correspondence, memoranda, policy papers, reports, statistics, and other miscellaneous records from the Office of the Country Director for the Republic of China.


The Chinese Civil War and U.S.-China Relations: Records of the U.S. State Department’s Office of Chinese Affairs, 1945-1955

Sourced from the U.S National Archives, this collection of documents of the Office of Chinese Affairs, U.S. State Department provides historical insights into Sino-American relations, and the political and economic conditions in Communist and Nationalist China during 1945-55.


The New York Times with Index (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)

This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. The Historical New York Times with Index (1851-2014) provides search capability using subject terms and topics for focused and targeted results in combination with searchable full text, full page, and article-level images from the Historical New York Times.





中文社會科學引文索引(CSSCI: Chinese Social Sciences Citation)







本匯編版被收錄於 “書同文古籍數據庫” 內,該數據庫提供全文檢索所收錄的石刻文獻資料。請先點擊“跨庫檢索”進行查詢,然後可點擊左側列表的 “歷代石刻史料匯編” 取閱有關全文。






如欲在校外使用,請先登入SSL VPN,在VPN環境下方可在校外使用。


粵港澳中文歷史期刊全文數據庫(Chinese Historical Journals of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao (Full-text))

《粤港澳中文歷史期刊全文數據庫》是上海圖書館《全國報刊索引》與澳門大學合作研發的專題數據庫。它遴選了上海圖書館海量近代期刊資源中粤港澳地方珍贵文獻資源1643種,收錄逾53萬篇文獻,其中不乏《東西洋考每月統記傅》、《遐通贯珍》、《私立嶺南大學校報》、《知新報》等著名期刊。這些期刊集中反映了中國近代粤港澳地區的歷史風貌,是不可多得的第一手資料, 具有極為重要的學術價值和史料價值。 《粤港澳中文歷史期刊全文數據庫》聚焦粤港澳地區的珍稀近代文獻,以数字形式構建歷史圖譜,具有獨特的地緣定位和强大的平壹功能,將助力中國近代西學東漸、中西方文化碰撞與交融等領域的相關研究,并為粤港澳大灣區建設提供諸多啓示。






The Amerasia Affair, China, and Postwar Anti-Communist Fervor

The Amerasia Affair was the first of the great spy cases of the postwar era. Unlike Alger Hiss or the Rosenberg cases, it did not lead to an epic courtroom confrontation or imprisonment or execution of any of the principals. The Amerasia Affair sheds light not only on debate as to who "lost" China, Soviet espionage, McCarthyism, and the loyalty program, but also on the bureaucratic intricacies of anti-communism in Washington.


Archives Direct

It is the suite of collections from The National Archives, of which the section we can access to is from the UK government's archives about Foreign Office Files for China, 1949 to 1980.


Archives Explorer

This allows you to search the Library subscribed databases from Adam Matthew with a single search box – including the following databases: 1. China, America and the Pacific, 2. China: Culture and Society, 3. China: Trade, Politics and Culture, 4. Foreign Office Files for China 1919 – 1980.


China and the Modern World

Research China during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; coverage includes diplomacy, economics, imperialism, and more.


China and the Modern World: Missionary, Sinology, and Literary Periodicals (1817-1949)

China and the Modern World: Missionary, Sinology, and Literary Periodicals is a collection of 17 English-language periodicals published in or about China during a period of over 130 years, extending from 1817 until the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949.
This resource features a significant collection of articles and photos on the founding and development of Christian higher education in China, including the establishment and growth into prominence of such institutions as Yenching University, the University of Nanking, Ginling College, Shandong Christian University, Soochow University, St. John’s University, Shanghai Baptist College, and the Canton Christian College.


China and the Modern World: Records of the Maritime Customs Service of China (1854-1949)

China and the Modern World: Records of the Maritime Customs Service of China 1854-1949 provides an excellent primary source collection for the study of China and its relations with the West in the late Qing and Republican periods. The records included in this collection - official correspondence, despatches, reports, memoranda, and private and confidential letters - constitute invaluable and often unique evidence of Chinese life, the economy and politics through the Taiping Rebellion, the Boxer Rebellion, the Revolution of 1911, the May 30 Movement, the two Sino-Japanese Wars, and the Chinese Civil War.


China, America and the Pacific

It explores the cultural and trading relationships that emerged between America, China and the Pacific region between the 18th and early 20th centuries. The scope consists of manuscripts, rare printed sources, visual images, objects and maps from international libraries and archives document this fascinating history.


Foreign Office Files for China, 1919 – 1980

This collection makes available all British Foreign Office files dealing with China, Hong Kong and Taiwan between 1919 and 1980.


Historical Reproduction

Historical Reproduction is a collection of rare documents and newspapers in Chinese and English languages traced back to the 15th Century. It was collected from various sources worldwide, converted to digital images from printed documents, microfilms, microfiches and etc. Please find your interested title below and access by clicking. Most of the access of Collection is restricted to eligible Library users only.


Policing the Shanghai International Settlement, 1894-1945

It provides researchers with the opportunity to explore a unique period in China's struggle toward a modern existence through the International Settlement in Shanghai.


Political, Economic, and Military Conditions in China: Reports and Correspondence of the U.S. Military Intelligence Division, 1918-1941

It reproduces the six principal MID files relating exclusively to China for the period 1918 to 1941 (general conditions, political conditions, economic conditions, army, navy, and aeronautics). Also includes documents created by other U.S. Government agencies and foreign governments from the records of the Military Intelligence Division.


Records of the National Council for United States-China Trade 1973-1983

This collection documents the formation of the National Council for United States-China Trade, its role in the development of U.S.-China trade, and the Council's library holdings relating to China's trade and economy. The Council is an association of U.S. business firms interested in trade with the People's Republic of China. It was formed in 1973 with the encouragement of the U.S. Government.


Records of U.S. State Department’s Division of Chinese Affairs

It consists of inter and intradepartmental memorandums, reports, position papers, summaries, maps, photographs, and despatches (from US Foreign Service officers and military personnel) relating to the internal political affairs of China and United States foreign policy toward China.


Subject files of U.S. State Department's Office of the Republic of China Affairs, 1951-1978

This collection consists of briefing books, correspondence, memoranda, policy papers, reports, statistics, and other miscellaneous records from the Office of the Country Director for the Republic of China.


The Chinese Civil War and U.S.-China Relations: Records of the U.S. State Department’s Office of Chinese Affairs, 1945-1955

Sourced from the U.S National Archives, this collection of documents of the Office of Chinese Affairs, U.S. State Department provides historical insights into Sino-American relations, and the political and economic conditions in Communist and Nationalist China during 1945-55.





中文社會科學引文索引(CSSCI: Chinese Social Sciences Citation)







本匯編版被收錄於 “書同文古籍數據庫” 內,該數據庫提供全文檢索所收錄的石刻文獻資料。請先點擊“跨庫檢索”進行查詢,然後可點擊左側列表的 “歷代石刻史料匯編” 取閱有關全文。






如欲在校外使用,請先登入SSL VPN,在VPN環境下方可在校外使用。


粵港澳中文歷史期刊全文數據庫(Chinese Historical Journals of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao (Full-text))

《粤港澳中文歷史期刊全文數據庫》是上海圖書館《全國報刊索引》與澳門大學合作研發的專題數據庫。它遴選了上海圖書館海量近代期刊資源中粤港澳地方珍贵文獻資源1643種,收錄逾53萬篇文獻,其中不乏《東西洋考每月統記傅》、《遐通贯珍》、《私立嶺南大學校報》、《知新報》等著名期刊。這些期刊集中反映了中國近代粤港澳地區的歷史風貌,是不可多得的第一手資料, 具有極為重要的學術價值和史料價值。 《粤港澳中文歷史期刊全文數據庫》聚焦粤港澳地區的珍稀近代文獻,以数字形式構建歷史圖譜,具有獨特的地緣定位和强大的平壹功能,將助力中國近代西學東漸、中西方文化碰撞與交融等領域的相關研究,并為粤港澳大灣區建設提供諸多啓示。





Archives Explorer

This allows you to search the Library subscribed databases from Adam Matthew with a single search box – including the following databases: 1. China, America and the Pacific, 2. China: Culture and Society, 3. China: Trade, Politics and Culture, 4. Foreign Office Files for China 1919 – 1980.


Archives Unbound

Gain access to rare primary source documents with these topically focused digital collections.


China, America and the Pacific

It explores the cultural and trading relationships that emerged between America, China and the Pacific region between the 18th and early 20th centuries. The scope consists of manuscripts, rare printed sources, visual images, objects and maps from international libraries and archives document this fascinating history.


East India Company (Module I, II and III)

Module 1: Trade, Governance and Empire, 1600-1947. This module consists of the complete IOR classes A, B, C, and D and their associated Z-class indexes, comprising 932 volumes. Document types include Minutes of council meetings (Court of Directors, Court of Proprietors and Council of India), Memoranda and papers laid before councils, Council resolutions, Proceedings of revenue boards, Charters, Text of legislation, Printed books, Correspondence, Lists of administrative, military and ecclesiastical personnel. Modules 2 and 3: Factory Records The Factory Records consist of papers sent to London from the East India Company's 'factories', or trading posts, across Asia and parts of Africa, including letters sent and received, official trading diaries, accounts of the Company's embassies to rulers, proceedings of provincial councils and revenue boards, military documents and account books.


Gale Primary Sources: Nineteenth Century Collections Online

Discover primary source collections of the long nineteenth century. Sourced from almost one hundred major world libraries.


Historical Reproduction

Historical Reproduction is a collection of rare documents and newspapers in Chinese and English languages traced back to the 15th Century. It was collected from various sources worldwide, converted to digital images from printed documents, microfilms, microfiches and etc. Please find your interested title below and access by clicking. Most of the access of Collection is restricted to eligible Library users only.


Brazilian and Portuguese History and Culture

Research The Oliveira Lima Library collection lauded as the finest Luso-Brazillian material available to U.S. scholars.


European Colonialism in the Early 20th Century: Political and Economic Consolidation of Portuguese Colonies in Africa, 1910-1929

This collection comprises correspondence, studies and reports, cables, maps, and other kinds of documents related to U.S. consular activities. U.S. Consulates were listening posts reporting on the activities of the Portuguese colonial government and the activities of the native peoples. Highlights include the beginning of an anti-colonial movement and the industrialization and economic exploitation of Portugal’s African colonies.


Fuente Académica Plus

Fuente Académica Plus is the most complete database of full-text Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals. Hundreds of quality titles from Latin America, Portugal and Spain cover all major subject areas, including agriculture, economics, history, law, literature, psychology and sociology.


The Amerasia Affair, China, and Postwar Anti-Communist Fervor

The Amerasia Affair was the first of the great spy cases of the postwar era. Unlike Alger Hiss or the Rosenberg cases, it did not lead to an epic courtroom confrontation or imprisonment or execution of any of the principals. The Amerasia Affair sheds light not only on debate as to who "lost" China, Soviet espionage, McCarthyism, and the loyalty program, but also on the bureaucratic intricacies of anti-communism in Washington.


Archives Explorer

This allows you to search the Library subscribed databases from Adam Matthew with a single search box – including the following databases: 1. China, America and the Pacific, 2. China: Culture and Society, 3. China: Trade, Politics and Culture, 4. Foreign Office Files for China 1919 – 1980.


Archives Unbound

Gain access to rare primary source documents with these topically focused digital collections.


China, America and the Pacific

It explores the cultural and trading relationships that emerged between America, China and the Pacific region between the 18th and early 20th centuries. The scope consists of manuscripts, rare printed sources, visual images, objects and maps from international libraries and archives document this fascinating history.



JSTOR (Journal STORage) is a full-text digital archive of over 900 core scholarly journals, covering 15 subjects, mainly in the humanities and social sciences.


Records of the National Council for United States-China Trade 1973-1983

This collection documents the formation of the National Council for United States-China Trade, its role in the development of U.S.-China trade, and the Council's library holdings relating to China's trade and economy. The Council is an association of U.S. business firms interested in trade with the People's Republic of China. It was formed in 1973 with the encouragement of the U.S. Government.


The New York Times with Index (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)

This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. The Historical New York Times with Index (1851-2014) provides search capability using subject terms and topics for focused and targeted results in combination with searchable full text, full page, and article-level images from the Historical New York Times.



Archives Direct

It is the suite of collections from The National Archives, of which the section we can access to is from the UK government's archives about Foreign Office Files for China, 1949 to 1980.


Archives Unbound

Gain access to rare primary source documents with these topically focused digital collections.


East India Company (Module I, II and III)

Module 1: Trade, Governance and Empire, 1600-1947. This module consists of the complete IOR classes A, B, C, and D and their associated Z-class indexes, comprising 932 volumes. Document types include Minutes of council meetings (Court of Directors, Court of Proprietors and Council of India), Memoranda and papers laid before councils, Council resolutions, Proceedings of revenue boards, Charters, Text of legislation, Printed books, Correspondence, Lists of administrative, military and ecclesiastical personnel. Modules 2 and 3: Factory Records The Factory Records consist of papers sent to London from the East India Company's 'factories', or trading posts, across Asia and parts of Africa, including letters sent and received, official trading diaries, accounts of the Company's embassies to rulers, proceedings of provincial councils and revenue boards, military documents and account books.


Gale Primary Sources: Nineteenth Century Collections Online

Discover primary source collections of the long nineteenth century. Sourced from almost one hundred major world libraries.


Gale Primary Sources: Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals

Discover the events, lives, values, and themes that shaped the British Empire and the nineteenth-century world.


Gale Primary Sources: The Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842-2003

Search the complete digital edition (over 260,000 full color pages) of the world's first illustrated weekly newspaper.


Historical Reproduction

Historical Reproduction is a collection of rare documents and newspapers in Chinese and English languages traced back to the 15th Century. It was collected from various sources worldwide, converted to digital images from printed documents, microfilms, microfiches and etc. Please find your interested title below and access by clicking. Most of the access of Collection is restricted to eligible Library users only.