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Law: Research tools

A guide to law information at UM library

Research tools




EndNote is a tool that allows you to collect bibliographic references in a library, organize and manage those references, and ultimately put them in the body of a paper and in a reference list in a desired citation format.


UM Library has subscribed to the site license of EndNote. UM staff and students may install EndNote X9 or EndNote 20 on their personal computer for research purpose.

Our eligible users may do the following steps before use.

  • Make online registration here to download the installation file.
  • Install EndNote X9/20 (See Installation Guide)



UM-Qualtrics is a web-based survey service that is available for use by all UM faculty, staff and students. UM-Qualtrics is useful to:

  • Assist faculty, staff, and students with creating online surveys and collecting data for research projects or assignments.
  • Assess user satisfaction with academic or administrative programs or services


Using UM-Qualtrics

  • ●Log in to UM-Qualtrics

    • Users who applied the UM-Qualtrics service can login to UM-Qualtircs via
    • For those users who haven't applied to UM-Qualtrics service, please refer to the instructions for First-time users (new users) below.
  • First-time users (new users) need to apply UM-Qualtrics service by taking the following steps.

    1. Goto ICTO Account Information Page:
    2. Login with PCLAN account and password.
    3. Find Qualtrics, click on 'More', then accept to the agreement and click on Submit button.
    4. Login to UM-Qualtrics via
    5. Select "I don't have a Qualtrics account"
    6. Accept to the "Terms of Service"

    Note: To ensure the proper use of UM-Qualtrics, the default UM-Qualtrics accounts for students are NOT allowed to create surveys . Students who want to use UM-Qualtrics to create and distribute surveys have to request for account upgrade. Please refer to UM-Qualtrics Account Upgrade Request for Students below.


  • UM-Qualtrics Account Upgrade Request for Students

  • Download UM-Qualtrics Account Upgrade Request Form Download UM-Qualtrics Account Upgrade Request Form

  • Request Process

    UM-Qualtrics Account Upgrade Request Process 1.Download the UM-Qualtrics Account Upgrade Request Form 2.Fill in the student and project/survey information and agree to the Terms of Use Statement 3.Email the form to a supervisor or course instructor for his/her endorsement 4.The supervisor/Instructor endorses the request and sends the form to the Library at 5.Library will upgrade the requested UM-Qualtrics account and then send a confirmation email to the relevant student and supervisor/instructor.

    Note: Academic staff can request a batch UM-Qualtrics account upgrade for students. Please send the student numbers and names to

  • Getting Started with UM-Qualtrics


  • More Tutorials…


  • ●Qualtrics Support Site

    Qualtrics Support

  • ●Enquiries

    Phone: 8822 8015 or 8822 8242



Notification : Launch of new interface – Feedback Studio on July 2018


About Turnitin

Turnitin is a plagiarism prevention tool, which is designed to help faculty members to easily evaluate the originality of student’s work by comparing their electronic documents to online sources and Turnitin-owned databases. Papers can now be accepted for checking in 30 different languages including Chinese (traditional and simplified), English and Portuguese.

Apply for a Turnitin account*

All teaching staff are entitled to request a Turnitin account for use at its website: Please use your UM email address to send the following data with email subject "Request of Turnitin service" to to set up your Turnitin account.

  • Name
  • Faculty/Centre
  • Contact phone number

We will reply to you with the login information in two working days.

* If teaching staff want the paper submission through the UMMoodle system to get the Originality Report, no need to apply for the Turnitin Account. For those, who then NOT through the UMMoodle system and intend to use Turnitin directly, please contact us to get the password.

About Turnitin integrated with UMMoodle system

The most widely used functions in Turnitin are the retrieval of the originality report, which is used to determine whether a student's work is original (no matching text) or unoriginal. UM users can achieve it through the UMMoodle in addition to using Turnitin directly. They can do their work using the Turnitin function without having to leave their familiar UMMoodle environment. Kindly see 'Turnitin Moodle Update' for more information.


The getting-started procedures are summarized as follows:

  • for teaching staff to create Assignments on Turnitin
    1. Click “turn editing on” on the Administration section after login at UMMoodle’s webpage
    2. Select Turnitin from the “add an activity...” pull-up menu
    3. Fill up the required information for the assignment
    4. Click “Save and display” to check the information of the assignment on Turnitin
    5. Click the “UMMoodle” on the left-side area under the UM banner back to the UMMoodle's webpage
    6. Follow the procedure B to submit paper for students if necessary
  • for students to submit papers
    1. Click the assignment name after login at UMMoodle’s webpage
    2. Click the “submit” link and then click on the “submit” icon to submit

For detailed information on the operation, please refer to the following user manual.

Since the functionality and operation platforms are different between UMMoodle and Turnitin, the comparison table of major features is hereby given as follows:

Login Account Pre-loaded by ICTO Created by the Library Pre-loaded by ICTO
To be Uploaded File Format No limitation   
  • MS Word (.doc)
  • WordPerfect (.wpd)
  • PostScript (.eps)
  • Portable Document Format (.pdf)
  • HTML (.htm)
  • Rich Text (.rtf)
  • Plain Text (.txt)
All files submitted to Turnitin must be text based.
The same as Turnitin
Number of Files Uploaded for Each Assignment Max. of 20 files 1 file only The same as Turnitin
Maximum Size of a File The same as the course upload limit 10 MB The same as Turnitin
Resubmission tick tick tick
Comment on Student’s Assignment Mark in the field “Comment”, or upload “Response files”. Highlight and add comments on the student’s assignment directly. The same as Turnitin
Submit a paper for a Student tick tick tick
Export Grade Book tick tick tick
Check Originality cross tick tick

tick: Available       cross : Not Available


For more details, please refer to the following webpages :

Should you have any enquiry about using the Turnitin, please feel free to contact us at lib_ref.





VeriGuide is a plagiarism detection tool, which is developed by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and could help teaching staff for similarity detection, and readability assessment. VeriGuide supports English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese checking. It compares a student submission against past submissions of UM and Internet resources.

  • UMMoodle-VeriGuide Integration -- Direct use without additional account. Users can upload up to 5 files for VeriGuide checking.

If UM student would like to use VeriGuide for checking papers, please use your UM email address to send an email to with the following personal information and the subject "Request of VeriGuide service".

  • Name
  • Student Number