As a student, how to check the similarity rate of my paper?
Students might get the similarity rate of submitted paper through the following service platforms:
In general, students may submit their papers in UMMoodle system for checking the similarity rate through the assignment with Turnitin settings by teaching staff. However, to register and create a student profile in native Turnitin, student have to get both class ID and enrollment key from the teaching staff. According to the user manual of Turnitin, those login information are made when teaching staff were setting up their classes in Turnitin.
一般來說,學生可在UMMoodle系統提交論文通過有教學人員設定的Turnitin作業便可取得查重率。若擬在獨立Turnitin系統設立學生帳號,學生則必須從教學人員處取得class ID和enrollment key方可。根據Turnitin使用手冊,這些設立所需的資料均是由教學人員在Turnitin開立課程時所建立的。
b. VeriGuide:
Students could request by themselves. For details, please visit:
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