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UM Open Access Publishing with Transformative Agreements: Publishing Procedure

How to Publish in Journals with an Open Access Agreement

ACM OPEN (ACM’s Transformative Model for Open Access Publication)

Item Description

Corresponding authors affiliated with UM at the point of acceptance are eligible for full waiver of APC for accepted articles published in eligible journals. The affiliation (or one of the affiliations) of the corresponding author(s) must be the University of Macau.

Journal coverage:

 Journals and Magazines

 Conference Proceedings Series

Quota limit: Unlimited Quota

More details on ACM's transformational agreements can be found here.


Publishing Procedure

Step 1.

Submit your article to the ACM journal/confernece of your choice, making sure you are the submitting corresponding author. It is suggested to use the UM affliliation, address and email for your account registration and manuscript submission


Step 2.

An email with the link to the eRights form is sent to you while your manuscript is in each of these instances:

  • Submission to an ACM journal
  • Acceptance to an ACM journal
  • Acceptance to an ACM conference


Step 3.

Clicks on the link to the eRights form and you will see "This paper is part of the ACM Open Program" at the top of the webpage.


Step 5.

You will be brought to the following webpage. Select 'Institutionally Paid Open Access' and choose a Creative Commons License (default is CC-BY 4.0), then click on 'Proceed'.



Step 4.

Review and confirm all information on the edit screen to make sure all the author information is correct. Click on the check box and then click on  'Proceed to eRight Form' .




Step 6.

You will see the ACM Permission Release Form given by ACM. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the form and lick on 'Submit'. You will receive and email confirmation of the acceptance of the forms along with a copy for their records.

For the Publication Rights & Licensing Policy, visit the ACM Publication Policy.

ACS Read and Publish Agreements

Item Description

Corresponding authors affiliated with UM at the point of acceptance are eligible for full waiver of APC for accepted articles published in eligible journals. The affiliation (or one of the affiliations) of the corresponding author(s) must be the University of Macau.

OA publishing quotas for 2025:
Quota Used Quota Available Total Quota
5 articles 22 articles 27 articles

Updated on 12 March 2025.

##Note: Articles accepted by publishers will be approved on first-come-first-served basis while quota lasts.

More details on ACS's transformational agreements can be found here.


Publishing Procedure

Step 1.

Submit your article to the ACS journal of your choice, making sure you are the submitting corresponding author.


Step 2.

Ensure your institution affiliation is correct on your profile in the ACS Paragon Plus submission system.


Step 3.

Check that your affiliation is stated in the body of the manuscript as the corresponding author’s affiliation.


Step 4.

When your manuscript has been accepted for publication, you will be automatically prompted with the option to publish open access under your institution’s agreement.





Step 5.

Confirm that “Yes, I wish to publish open access as per the agreement” and complete the Journal Publishing Agreement.

Step 6.

Your institution will be alerted to your open access funding request. If the request is approved, your article will be made immediately available as open access upon publication under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license. There are no charges to pay and no further action required by either you or your institution.











Video demonstration
This demo video shows you how to navigate the Journal Publishing Agreement assistant and publish your research open access under UM open access agreement:


Converting your published article into Open Access

You can convert your published article into open access while there is remaining OA publishing quota (the publication year of your artcile must be same as OA publishing quota year). You can visit ACS Research Sharing and Open Access page to check if your article can be converted into open access.

Enter the DOI number to check if your article can be converted into open access.


List of ACS Journals Eligible for OA Publishing

The table below shows the ACS journals where your article publishing charge (APC) should be covered by your institution. Unless otherwise stated, this Agreement covers 100% of the APC when selecting a CC BY open access license.

Journal /  Collection Included in Agreement?
ACS Central Science included ACS Central Science Diamond open access: Free to publish and read
ACS Omega included ACS Omega Tick   APC covered
ACS Au journals included ACS Au family (including JACS Au) Tick   APC covered
Other ACS fully open access journals Waivers may be available: see individual journals for information
ACS hybrid / transformative journals Tick   APC covered

Cambridge University Press - Read and Publish Agreement

Item Description

Corresponding authors affiliated with UM at the point of acceptance are eligible for full waiver of APC for accepted articles published in eligible journals. The affiliation (or one of the affiliations) of the corresponding author(s) must be the University of Macau.

Type of publication: Eligible article types are research articles, review articles, rapid communications, brief reports and case reports.
Journal coverage:  Cambridge University Press Gold OA content
Quota limit: Unlimited Quota

More details on CUP's transformational agreements can be found here.


Publishing Procedure

Step 1.

Manuscription Subsmission

Choose the journal that best fits your work on Cambridge Core. Review the instructions for contributors and format your manuscript accordingly. Click 'Submit Your Article' on your chosen journal's hompage and complete the submission form.



Step 2.

Publication Decision

Once the article has been accept, complete your author publishing agreement. If publishing in a hybrid journal, ensure you select 'Gold Open Access'.

Confirm the Creative Commons license under which the article should be published. Please note your funder or institution may require you to select a Creative Commons license, e.g. CC-BY.



Step 3.

APC Transation Process

Rightslink work on Cambridge’s behalf to process Article Process Charges (APCs). Register and log in to the Rightslink. Check the 'Seek Funding from the University of macau' option, and complete the checkout process, to submit your funding request for approval.


Quick Guide for Publishing OA Articles in CUP

Slide1 Slide2 Slide3 Slide4 Slide5 Slide6

IOPScience - Transformative Agreement

Item Description

Corresponding authors affiliated with UM at the point of acceptance are eligible for full waiver of APC for accepted articles published in eligible journals. The affiliation (or one of the affiliations) of the corresponding author(s) must be the University of Macau.

Type of publication: Research paper, special issue, letter and review article types.
Journal coverage: Included journals are those in lists A, B, C and D in the title list of eligible journals
Quota limit: Unlimited Quota

More details on IOP's transformational agreements can be found here.


Publishing Procedure

When you are reay to start your submission  on a IOPScience Journal, follow steps 1 to 4 on ScholarOne (IOPScience submission system).

##Note: a small number of eligible journals do not use the ScholarOne submission system.


At step 4 you’ll be asked to enter author information. Use the auto fill when enetering University of Macau.

At step 5 you have an option to indicate your preferred and non-preferred reviewers.

At step 6 you can declare any funding you received to do your research. 

    IOP will automatically check whether the corresonding author is eligible for the APC waiver based on the email domain and affiliation.

RSC's OA Agreement

Item Description

Corresponding authors affiliated with UM at the point of acceptance are eligible for full waiver of APC for accepted articles published in eligible journals. The affiliation (or one of the affiliations) of the corresponding author(s) must be the University of Macau.

Journal coverage:

You can choose to publish in any of the journals classed as hybrid (all RSC journals except gold open access journals and Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP), which are already free to access) and which have a Creative Commons license.

  RSC Journals List

OA publishing quotas for 2025:
Quota Used Quota Available Total Quota
0 articles 11 articles 11 articles

##Note: Articles accepted by publishers will be approved on first-come-first-served basis while quota lasts.


Publishing Procedure

Step 1.

Double-check that you are listed as the corresponding author, both in RSC online submission system and in your manuscript.


Step 2.

Use your UM email address to submit your manuscript (this helps RSC to identify you). State your institute affiliation and email address as University of Macau in your manuscript and make sure this remains the same, even after submission.


Step 3.

Do not sign the standard licence to publish; upon acceptance of your manuscript, you will be able to choose and sign the Creative Commons license (CC BY or CC BY-NC open access licence).

Wiley - Transformative Agreement

Item Description

Corresponding authors affiliated with UM at the point of acceptance are eligible for full waiver of APC for accepted articles published in eligible journals. The affiliation (or one of the affiliations) of the corresponding author(s) must be the University of Macau.

Type of publication: Your article must be primary research or a review article, including but not limited to original articles, case studies, reviews, short communications, and other content types.
Journal coverage:

The followings are the lists of Wiley journals eligible for Open Access publication under Wiley's Transformative Agreement:

OA publishing quotas for 2025:
Quota Used Quota Available Total Quota
15 articles 58 articles 73 articles

Updated on 12 March 2025.

##Note: Articles accepted by publishers will be approved on first-come-first-served basis while quota lasts.

Note: This agreement cannot be used to cover additional charges (e.g. color or page charges), which individual journals administer separately.

More details on Wiley's transformational agreements can be found here.


Publishing OA Artlcle in a Wiley Hybrid Journal
(Journal providing an OA option)

Step 1.

Follow Wiley's article submission workflow as usual. Make sure you have used the UM affiliation, address, and email for yoiur account registration and manuscription submission.

Step 2.

Once your article is accepted, register or log in to Wiley Author Services. Under My Articles, look for your article and click Manage Article. Look for a message from your institution or funder and click Select Open Access.


You may be asked to add or confirm the funder(s) you entered during submission. Select your funder from the dropdown list or click Add Funder and start typing to search. You may also tick “I did not receive funding for this article.” Then, enter any grant details.

Step 4.

You may be asked to add or confirm the affiliation(s) you entered during submission. You may also tick “I am not affiliated with any institution, company, or university for this article.”

Step 5. 

You may be asked to make your article open access. When prompted, select “Yes, make my article open access.” 

Step 6. 

If your request is approved, you will receive a confirmation email. Your accepted article is then published open access under a Creative Commons license on Wiley Online Library.

Publishing OA Artlcle in a Wiley Fully Open Access Journal
(also known as Gold Open Access Journal)

Step 1.

Follow Wiley's article submission workflow as usual. Make sure you have used the UM affiliation, address, and email for yoiur account registration and manuscription submission.

Step 2.

During submission*, you will be asked to confirm your institutional affiliations to accompany your manuscript. This information will also be used to determine your eligibility for funding through your institution.

Step 3.

If your request is approved, you will receive a confirmation email. Your accepted article is then published open access under a Creative Commons license on Wiley Online Library.

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University of Macau
Avenida da Universidade
Taipa, Macau, China

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