UM Library is providing various workshops in library training for university members. To strengthen the effective learning, we keep uploading the training videos on this web page upon trainers' permission. Hopefully, it would be helpful and useful to those not attended but interested in the library workshops as well as those participants for their efficient review.
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Britannica Academic Training
GDP Nowcasting: Measuring the Chinese Economy
從SDGs到實踐:利用Emerald資料庫探索永續未來 (23-COT-2024)
針對澳門大學的學生,Emerald Publishing 特別設計了這場講座,帶您深入了解如何利用 Emerald 資料庫查找符合聯合國永續發展目標的文章。這次的訓練會涵蓋資料庫的使用方法,並展示如何運用其中的資源來進行與永續發展相關的研究。無論是撰寫學術論文、支援研究項目,還是深入分析各個領域的議題,這場講座將為您提供實用技巧和洞見,助力您在學術及專業上更上一層樓!
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手把手教你用 Emerald 電子資料庫
Oxford Economics
Course Work
Patent Search and Chemscape Analysis