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專利資訊服務與專利教育: 專利搜尋指引

Patent Search Guidelines


USPTO PatFT Patent Search


► Quick Search

1. Enter search keywords in "Term 1" and "Term 2";

2.Use the boolean logic ("and" "or" "and not") provided in the middle dropdown menu to connect the search terms;

3. The corresponding dropdown menus on the right provide filed options for the keywords;

4. Click on “Search” button to search for relevant patents;


5. On the result page, click on the patent title or patent number then the patent fullt-ext will be appeared.




► Advanced Search

The Advanced Search page allows you to query the US patent full-text database using the command line search syntax. The following steps are for submitting a query for Advanced Search

1. Select the year or range of years to search from the “Select Years ”drop-down menu;

2. Type a search statement in the text input box labeled "Query";

3. In order to get a more precious results, users have to specify the fields of the keywords by using the Field Code. Users can click on the Field Name to get more details for using field search);

4. Click the "search" button.




► Patent number search

To search for a patent number using the Patent Number Search page, use the following syntax: PN / number. The "number" is the patent number you want to view. Non-practical patents must include the prefix: the design patent 'D', the plant patent 'PP', the re-granted patent 'RE', the defensive publication 'T' and the SIR 'H'. The results retrieved in this way are the most accurate, and you can click on the object to view the details.



► Other Reference Resources


Written by: JIANG LEI
Master Student of Civil Law and Intellectual Property Law, Faculty of Law, University of Macau

► 中文使用指南


CNIPA Patent Search (Chinese)





  用戶分為註冊用戶和普通用戶 :

  • 註冊用戶是指電子申請註冊用戶,可以使用電子申請的註冊名和密碼登陸,查詢該註冊用戶名下的所有專利申請的相關信息;

  • 普通用戶是指社會公眾,可以通過輸入申請號、發明名稱、申請人等內容,對已經公佈的發明專利申請,或已經公告的發明、實用新型及外觀設計專利申請的相關信息進行查詢。










在檢索框內輸入檢索條件,並點擊“檢索”鍵進行檢索。 系統默認為自動識別檢索。支持二目逻辑运算符AND、OR。檢索規則與範例如下:

  • 多個檢索詞之間用空格間隔,如:智能 手機。
  • 系統默認二目邏輯運算符是AND,如輸入智能 手機,系統按照智能 AND 手 機進行檢索。
  • 日期支持間隔符"-"、".",支持如下格式:YYYY-MM-DD、YYYY.MM.DD、 YYYYMMDD、YYYYMM、YYYY。
  • 支持半角()算符,如輸入國產 (智能 手機),系統優先執行智能 AND 手 機,然後將所得結果集與國產進行AND運算。
  • 如果檢索條件中包含空格、保留關鍵字或運算符,需使用半角雙引號, 如:"WILLIAMS AND LANE INC"。


也可以點擊地球形狀的按鍵,選擇其他的檢索模式,例如“申請號”“公開 (公告)號”“申請(專利權)人”等。




可以在檢索結果底部查看“詳覽”“申請人”“法 律狀態”等信息,並且可以加入數據庫進行比較。




點擊“詳覽”查看詳細信息。可以對目標進行下載或 者收藏,亦可在菜單頂部點擊查看“著錄項目”“全文文本”“全文圖像”等 內容。





撰文:澳門大學法學院民法與知識產權法碩士研究生 蔣磊



European Patent Office (EPO)  Espacenet 




The patent management department of the European Union is the European Patent Office (EPO) and the patent search system is Espacenet patent search. 

With its global reach and simple search capabilities, Espacenet has free access to information on inventions and technology developments from 1782 to the present. Espacenet is accessible to beginners and experts and is updated daily. It contains data from more than 110 million patent documents from around the world. Support information can help you understand if a patent has been granted and is still valid.

Espacenet offers a variety of ways to query, including:“Smart Search”Advanced Search”“Classification Search”and so on.


► Smart Search 

1.  Enter the system interface, the default is Smart Search;

2.  Enter any query vocabulary in the search box;

3.  Click "search" to query. 



► Advanced Search

1.  Click on “advanced search” on the left side of the page;

2.  Select the corresponding collection;

3.  Type the appropriate search criteria. 



► Classification Search 

1.  Click on “Classification Search” on the left side of the page;

2.  Type a keyword in "search for";

3.  In the lower part of the page, there are explanations and guidelines for the meaning of the relevant letters. Finally, click “search” to start the search.  




► The search results interface

You can select “Contrast”, “Download” and other operations (red) at the top of the page. If you need to view the details, you can click on the patent name (blue). 




► The details interface

Click on the patent name and go to the details interface. If you need to view the original text, you can click on the "original document" on the left to view it (indicated in red). The middle part of the page shows the basic information of the patent (blue). 


After entering the original file interface, you can download the original file . 

Written by: JIANG LEI
Master Student of Civil Law and Intellectual Property Law, Faculty of Law, University of Macau

► Online Tutorial


► 中文使用指南


The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO PATENTSCOPE   




First, the introduction

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information and cooperation. It is a self-financing institution of the United Nations with 192 member states.

The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) assists applicants in seeking patent protection for their inventions internationally, assisting patent offices in making patent authorization decisions, and facilitating public access to a wealth of technical information related to these inventions. By submitting an international patent application under the PCT, applicants can seek protection for inventions in many countries at the same time.

The PATENTSCOPE database provides the right to apply through the International Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) in full-text format on the date of publication, as well as the patent documents of participating national and regional patent offices. Its URL is:

The range of documents it contains is:



Second, patent search guidelines

Click the "Options" icon on the right to set the "Query", "Patent Office", "Results", "Interface", etc. of the interface to make it easier for users to use the website.




► Default Interface ("simple" mode)

1. Go to the homepage of the website, you can click “Home” to select the type of search content;

2. Type in the input box;

3. Click on "Search".


Click the “Search” button in the upper left corner to switch the search mode. There are simple mode (default), advanced search, field combination, cross-language extension, compound (login required), etc.


"Advanced Search" mode

1. In the home page, click "Search" in the upper left corner and select "Advanced Search";

2. Enter the search content in “Search Content”; when the mouse is placed in the “Input Content” box, the related examples will appear automatically.



"Field Combination" mode 

1. In the home page, click “Search” in the upper left corner and select “Field Combination”; in the “Home” and below, you can select the type of content you type;

2. Type the search content in the white space on the far right;

3. the leftmost is the choice of logical connection words, you can choose "and", "or".



"Inter-language expansion" mode 

1. In the home page, click "Search" in the upper left corner, select "Cross-language expansion"; type the search criteria in "Search Content";

2. The language type can be selected in "Query Language";

3. In the “expansion mode”, you can select “automatic” or “supervised” mode;

4. the lower part of the "check the standard - check the full" part can be manually adjusted, a total of 0-4 level can be selected;


► Click on “Submit Query” on the right to search



► "Compound" mode 

1. In the home page, click “Search” in the upper left corner and select “Compounds”; if you already have an account, you can log in directly with your account and password;

2. If there is no account, you can register immediately and log in.


 Search result interface 

1. In the search result interface, you can modify the "sort basis";

2, you can modify the type of browsing in the "view", narrow the scope.



Click on the patent “application number” or patent name to view the details



After clicking to view the patent details, you can switch the file part of the view at the top of the page, for example: national bibliographic data, manuals, claims, drawings, documents, etc.

Written by: JIANG LEI
Master Student of Civil Law and Intellectual Property Law, Faculty of Law, University of Macau

► Online Tutorials


► 中文使用指南

About Patents

What is a Patent?

  • WIPO - A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem. To get a patent, technical information about the invention must be disclosed to the public in a patent application.
  • USPTO - A patent is a property right granted by the Government of the United States of America to an inventor "to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States" for a limited time in exchange for public disclosure of the invention when the patent is granted.
  • European Patent Academy - A patent is a legal title granting its proprietor the right to prevent third parties from commercially using an invention without authorisation. An invention is usually a product or a process.
  • 中国知识产权培训中心 - 专利权(Patent Right),简称“专利”,是发明创造人或其权利受让人对特定的发明创造在一定期限内依法享有的独占实施权,是知识产权的一种。

Why researchers should care about patents?

  • Patents contain a wealth of legal, technical and industrial information. Through the analysis of patents, researchers can grasp the latest information of related technologies and industries, explore innovative research topics,  and effectively carry out knowledge transfer planning.